Thursday, February 28, 2013

First Real Week of Track

DISCLAIMER   Well, this might be a bit premature since it's only Thursday, so we have one more day before the first week is completely over, but whatever.

This week has been pretty awesome. Coach has been able to have us work on our relay handoffs twice already, and we worked on them a ton last week, so when we actually start running the 4X100 in competitions, we'll be able to kick some major butt!!! I think the first time that we will actually run is next weekend, there's some invitational that's happening, and it'll be good for us to have a trial run before we have a dual meet.

I also like having practice after school. For one, it means that we don't have to wake up early. Last week, we had practice at 9, which isn't bad, but I really wanted to sleep more over my break. Also, it means that Coach has to limit how long practice is going to be. We can't be at practice all day, he has to manage to fit all of our workout in under two hours. Which, I will admit, is hard with so many kids that we have on the Sprints Team. Like today was the longest that we've stayed late so far, we went from 3:30 to almost 5:30, and we were only doing speed work, not the conditioning stuff. And tomorrow will be weights, which means that it'll take forever.

The one bad thing about it is that we get home late, so there's less time to do homework. But there's not really any way around that, I would still be missing out on over two hours a day when I could be doing homework. And I never really started my homework before 6 anyways, I just liked that I was able to relax and unwind from a day at school before I had to do any work. Now, I have to jump right into it.

But of course, by starting practices, it means that soon we'll be having meets. And the Three Musketeers will be able to kick some major butt again!!! And this year, there's no way that the Titan girls won't be both League and CIF champions. *fingers crossed*


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